در یافتنِ معادل اقتصادیِ عبارتهای آبیرنگ دقّت بفرمایـید.
American politicians talk a lot about tax reform but do nothing about it, which is a pity, because while Americans have been talking, other countries have been doing. Since the late 1980s, top corporate tax rates around the world have dropped so far that America’s, which was once below the international average, is now well above.
As this has happened, American-based multinational companies have shifted more activity offshore; their foreign employment has steadily risen over the past decade as domestic employment has declined. This is mostly because of the appeal of cheap labour and growing markets in the emerging world, but business groups and many economists think America’s tax rate is also to blame. Liberal analysts blame the tax code for a different reason: it allows multinationals to stash income in foreign havens and indefinitely defer taxes on it, encouraging the outsourcing of jobs.
Barack Obama claims to be ready to do something about it. Calling the present tax code “outdated, unfair, and inefficient”, he proposed on February 22nd to lower the top corporate rate to 28% from 35% (including state and local taxes, it would fall to 32.6% from 39.2%). Previous analysis suggests that such a cut would cost more than $700 billion, or 0.4% of GDP, over the next decade.